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Monday, August 1, 2011

Dreamers Had A Dream...It Came True.

Conference signing the DREAM ACT Taken by: Jennifer Velazquez
The Dream came true for many undocumented students.  They now have the chance to Continue the education they and millions others deserve.  Illinois was the first state to approve the DREAM ACT; which allows undocumented students to recieve scholorships through private funding -Donations- (NOT TAX PAYERS MONEY). 

"Education is the key to opportunity in a democracy."- Governor Patt Quinn

Monday August 1st of 2011 is a historical day for Illinois, making the first step in allowing undocumented students to receive scholorships so they have the opportunity to pay for college. Every person deserves an education, because education is power.  I was proud be be at the conference where the govenor along with other important guest (including Mayor Emanuel) attended.  
In the Land of Lincoln just was made.
"Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth."
-Abraham Lincoln

while i was there i managed to have my picture taken with Paola Gomez (Univision reporter) 

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Something has to be done.

Ask not what the Animals can do for you; Ask what we can do for the animals.
Many of you might wonder why i Boycott McDonald's. Well the answer is: They are a corporation that has had "success" in the fast food business but dont pay there taxes. which in-terms provide the working families less jobs, and schools less funding.  Another reason is because they treat there animals really harsh.  I didn't put pictures about the animals in the slaughterhouses because i felt they were too graphic.Animals are NOT ours to eat, wear, experiment on or use for entertainment. I hope that once you read this, you will understand how tough animals have it and how we should help them.

Did you know the original "Ronald McDonald's went VEGETARIAN after working with the company?! It's True folks:
"He made $50,000 a year, had a private chef, limo service, and an office 
with a personal secretary during 
his tenure as Ronald McDonald"
"tell the readers of the 
Sun Ronald McDonald says
 it's naughty to eat meat,"

"I sold out when I was Ronald and I'm deeply sorry for that,"

Its not Just Chickens, its Cows, pigs, and all the animals. For example Tigers are hunted for there fur as well as raccoon's rabbit's and foxes --They are Skinned ALIVE-- There is a less cruel method of slaughter available today that would eliminate these abuses, yet McDonald's refuses to require its U.S. and Canadian suppliers to switch to it. 

Someone once told me "You're dollar is your vote." Since 1955 McDonald's has been one of the worlds Popular Fast food restaurants; I think it's time they let the animals survive; and live happy lives (NOT HAPPY MEALS).

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The war on the CFO'S


Students, teachers, union members from all across the city are fighting for the rights they deserve.  The lack of jobs and funding are keeping everyone without sleep.  they worry because in the way this economy is working today, they dont know if they'll keep their job tomorrow.  this is drastically affecting the way our students are going through in their education.  lack of funding means lack of resources, lack of resourses means kack of motivation and interest, lack of motivation and interest usually leads to a student to DROP OUT.  Do the big CFO's not see that while they get millions of dollars for themselves, the people are left with nothing but hope in their back pocket.  I refuse to sit here and see my generation go through all this mishap.  it is not our fault that our economy us like this.

"While others are getting rich; the people are left to struggle; to live HAPPIER LIVES."-JaM.V 

"Those who have power to fix all this should stand up and take action, because if they dont the people will."-JaM.V


Friday, February 18, 2011

Doing something is all about ACTION.

Kelvyn Park High School
When I was an 8th Grader, talking about High School was all Pros and Cons. While you heard "GOOD" things from one side. your heard "BAD" things from the other.  I was Accepted at KP and Braced myself for the worst. After a while I found out that it wasn't all bad. sure it wasn't perfect (not even Charter Schools ARE) but what school is? I made it to junior year. let me tell you I think being a student at KP has been the best decision I made. Sure some still complain about food and stuff but who doesn't? that's why it gets me mad to have to hear "This school sucks" or "I hate this school" when if you look closely the majority saying that are the ones causing problems and aren't that involved. It bugs me to hear this being Student Representative.  i wish i could ask "why do you hate KP?" but i know the answer I'll get is a big "I Don't Know." Why can't they just be honest maybe then we will know what to improve and make this school better. If we don't know whats wrong, then we wont know what to fix. So I think what I'm asking for is LESS TALK MORE ACTION,


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Democracy In Action Award.

                                                    THE UNION LEAGUE CLUB OF CHICAGO,
Presented me with the Democracy In Action Award
The Award was offered to juniors or seniors that have shown exemplary leadership to their communities.  Who's actions have advanced civic involvement by young people.  The Honorees are invited to George Washington's Birthday celebration, to be recognized for their achievements.

-First Place Honoree: Hye Kim a senior at Lincoln Park High School.
-Second Place Honoree: Jennifer Velazquez a junior at Kelvyn Park High School.
-Third Place Honoree: Christopher Cirrincione a senior at Elk Grove High School.

The night continued with a speech my Mayor Daley. His Speech was suitable he talked about how Charter schools are so GREAT and are well prepared in giving students a education. were if he had noticed NOT ONE student who won the award was from a Charter School. we were all from PUBLIC SCHOOLS.  Its amazing to see that with the right effort and the right motivation students are able to go really far in life.  Just ask me, I would have never thought of seeing myself with this award.  Having placed 2nd in the city! was a huge surprise for me. I do what I love and I never thought it would lead to something like this, but I'm grateful it did. 
"I hope that with this example I am able to reach out to people and inspire them to fight for change, equality, and in what they believe."- Jennifer.V

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Public.

When you go to any public place, you know you'll end up having to used their restroom.  Of course, you don't want to be using a restroom that's all dark and nasty. you always enjoy being in a nice restroom. (i noticed) that most people spend more time in a NICE bathroom then not the nicest. (most likely there taking pictures).  So you should at least keep your eyes open for clean bathrooms and sinks. 
until next time -JaM. Vengenz

Thursday, February 10, 2011

We're making it happen.

So one day (Feb. 9th). Hangging up posters. My friend and I encountered some graffiti (gang related).  So we decided to advertise the Valentine's Day Dance over it, it's a way to show that, that mess should have been covered and we decided to take action and cover it ourselves. Of course the step in cleaning it take like what 5 min maybe less, but leave it to them to make something so simple so complicated. Hopefully this will be painted over. and when it is I'll be sure to right about it.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Blizzard 2011

If your reading this we have survived the Blizzard that struck Chicago on wed, February 2nd, 2011. If your living in Chicago your going to expect some harsh winds, hot summers, and brutal winters. The blizzard was so bad that Chicago Public Schools closed for two whole days! the photo was taken once we got out of school. Things have calmed down now, but there are still lost cars, snow filled streets, and piles of snow on drive ways. Hopefully this is the last heavy storm we'll see.
P.S I sound like a reporter.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lets Talk About The Good Guys

DiANA:  She's been there since day one starting on September 9, 2008. She's the person i can tell anything to. I know i can trust her with anything, she takes care of me and i take care of her. We're Best Friends. I love her.<3
Fer: He's The guy i meet in world studies. the guy i ate Tortas with. He's been there since April 4, 2009. i can trust him. he can trust me. He's can draw, sculpt, and write nice. i'm just there to motivate. I love him.<3
Francis: This guy. he's an awesome person. i can't remember when we started talking but i'll never forget i meet him. we talk about stuff. we mention things. and we have crazy ideas. yeah i'll be there for him. I love him.<3

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dont know what to do.

don't you hate it when things arnt what you expect?
when something seems to be this but ends up being that?
"Love" is alot like that. and i hate the fact that it's confusing and difficult to find that
person you're willing to spend the rest of your life with.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Its Just another way to die.

It makes me wonder we're well be in 50 years...

A part of me dosen't want to know.