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Monday, August 1, 2011

Dreamers Had A Dream...It Came True.

Conference signing the DREAM ACT Taken by: Jennifer Velazquez
The Dream came true for many undocumented students.  They now have the chance to Continue the education they and millions others deserve.  Illinois was the first state to approve the DREAM ACT; which allows undocumented students to recieve scholorships through private funding -Donations- (NOT TAX PAYERS MONEY). 

"Education is the key to opportunity in a democracy."- Governor Patt Quinn

Monday August 1st of 2011 is a historical day for Illinois, making the first step in allowing undocumented students to receive scholorships so they have the opportunity to pay for college. Every person deserves an education, because education is power.  I was proud be be at the conference where the govenor along with other important guest (including Mayor Emanuel) attended.  
In the Land of Lincoln just was made.
"Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth."
-Abraham Lincoln

while i was there i managed to have my picture taken with Paola Gomez (Univision reporter)